Getting Your Loan From Federal Home Loan Bank

Getting Your Loan From Federal Home Loan Bank

Getting your loan from a federal home loan bank (FHLB) is a great way to get your home loan, but there are some drawbacks to the process. These include the fact that most FHLBs are government-sponsored but privately funded liquidity facilities, and that they have been criticised for their role in the financial crisis. Critics…

Rocket Mortgage – Get a Mortgage With Rocket Mortgage

Rocket Mortgage – Get a Mortgage With Rocket Mortgage

Getting a mortgage with Rocket Mortgage can be a great choice. They are based in one of the campus Martius buildings in the financial district of downtown Detroit. They also offer a Verified Approval program. Minimum credit score required Whether you’re planning to buy a new home or refinance your current mortgage, Rocket Mortgage offers…

Finance of America Reviews

Finance of America Reviews

Finance of America is a mortgage lender that offers a variety of loan options for homebuyers. These include fix and flip loans, single-family rental loans, and student loan refinancing. There are pros and cons to each loan type, so it’s important to shop around before selecting one. There are different mortgage companies and requirements, so…

Newrez Financial Review

Newrez Financial Review

If you’re looking for a mortgage lender that offers flexible loan options, Newrez may be the lender for you. They allow you to apply online and upload documents directly to their secure portal. Once you’ve submitted your documents, you will be provided with an electronic closing package to sign. The company also offers competitive loan…

Housing Affordability and the Cost Burden

Housing Affordability and the Cost Burden

Housing Affordability refers to housing that is affordable to low-income households. It is determined by using a nationally recognized affordability index. There are different methods for determining housing affordability. This article discusses the limitations of the conventional methods. It also covers the impact of cost burden on affordability. After reading this article, you will be…